- How can I add Gifs to my chats?
- How can I add Emojis to my chat?
- Versioning: What is it? Why does it matter? How does it work?
- Make A Quiz
- How can I add images and photos to my chats?
- Personalize chats with jumps
- How can I copy a chat?
- Give users a feedback
- What is a resource email? What is a resource link? How can I set up a follow-up email?
- How can I add a link to a chat?
- Make a survey - get feedback
- How can I add video to my chats?
- Is it possible to mark multiple responses as the correct answer in a quiz? Why can only one answer be correct in a quiz?
- Generate First Drafts with AI
- What is the "recommend"-mechanism? Is there a referral system? How can I trigger internal viral distribution? How does it work?
- Can I move dialog items? Can I change the order of my chat?
- What is Markup? Where do these characters in my chat come from? Why are there * (Stars) in my chat?
- Personalised feedback
- Test and Preview Chats
- Add Youtube Shorts to Chat