Test and Preview Chats

Why Chat previews?

When you're crafting your chats, you want to test them from the participant's perspective. The preview link allows you to test your chats without generating analytics data. No interaction is counted when you are in preview mode. 

3 options:

1. Click the button on top of the editor

2. Copy the Preview URL


3. Add /preview at the end of the link of your chat

Be careful when editing live content

There is versioning of your chats in place. See the article on versioning.

Remember: Every time you update a chat, a new version is created. Analytics data is displayed per version of a chat.

This means:  When you have already broadcasted a chat, users have started to engage with your content and you create a new version of a chat, analytics data will be divided into two separate views in analytics.

To better understand the performance of a chat, it's easier if all the relevant data refers to only one version of a chat.

It's recommended not to update a chat during a running campaign as this creates a new version.

If you have to edit the content during a live campaign, you will have to count the numbers of the versions you want to analyze.

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