Generate First Drafts with AI

Why AI?

Creating compelling content takes time. AI can help you create the first draft of a chat-based learning nugget easier and faster based on your content.

How does it work?

To let AI create the first draft of your chat-based learning nuggets:

  1. look up the menu item "Trainings"
  2. there, select "Generate Training 🪄"
  3. select the desired option in the dropdown.

  1. paste your content (up to 1500 words)
  2. select the output language. Currently, we support English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian and Macedonian. It is recommended to paste content that is already in the needed output language and to translate the finalised chat later (with the inbuilt translation feature).
  3. select the number of dialogues your chat should have
  4. click Create Training 🪄
  5. edit and publish your chat

What happens with each option?

Please note, the options might change over time.

  • Multiple-Choice Quiz
    • Input: your content
    • Output: Multiple-Choice Quiz
    • Use it to test knowledge

  • Multiple-Choice Quiz with Feedback
    • Input: your content
    • Output: Multiple-Choice Quiz. Users get feedback based on the response they pick (AI Feedback).
    • Use it to test knowledge

  • True or False Quiz
    • Input: your content
    • Output: True or False Quiz
    • Use it to test knowledge

  • Fill in the Blank Quiz
    • Input: your content
    • Output: Fill the Gap Quiz - the user has to type the missing word in a sentence
    • Use it to test knowledge

  • Mix of Tutorial and Multiple-Choice Quiz
    • Input: your content
    • Output: A chat that explains and assesses knowledge
    • Use it to explain and test knowledge

  • Tutorial Using Your Content
    • Input: your content
    • Output: Explainer Chat / Tutorial.
    • Use it to explain a topic.

  • Tutorial Using AI Knowledge
    • Input: anything that's in GPT
    • Output: Explainer Chat / Tutorial Chat.
    • Use if you want to explain any topic.

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