Embed a chat on a Website as an iframe

Why embed a chat?

When your audience is used to visiting a certain online destination like a website, the intranet, or an LMS/LXP, you want to reach and engage them where they already are. It makes your website more user-friendly by allowing visitors to chat without leaving the page. It's a simple way to integrate chats into the tools you already use.

What is an iframe?

It's like adding a small window on your website. It's easy to do and keeps your main code safe and secure. An iframe ensures your website remains fast and functional.

How to embed a chat as an iframe?

Please make sure that the destination, where you want to embed a chat, supports iframes. Most common CMS, Intranets, LMS/LXP do.

  1. Take the link from your chat
  2. Go to the destination and enter the HTML (example below)
  3. Done

Example HTML for an iframe

<iframe src="INSERT-LINK-TO-YOUR-CHAT" width="300" height="600" style="border:none;"></iframe>

Just copy the link from your chat to the HTML above and adjust the widht and height if needed.

Please note: embedding chats as an iframe is a feature that's only included in our paid plans.

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